Workshop for Academics in Real Options (WARO)
Magdeburg/GER, 29-30 January 2024

The Academics in Real Options group is proud to announce the Workshop for Academics in Real Options (WARO).

29-30 January 2024 at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg/GER

WARO is a 2-day small scale event and provides an opportunity for colleagues in the field of Real Options to share their research and debate approaches as well as network with like-minded fellow researchers. Each presenter will receive 40 minutes to present and discuss their research in depth.

We welcome real options papers from any area, e.g., competition and strategy, R&D, entrepreneurship and innovation, new product development, capabilities, infrastructure and network investments, valuation of natural resources, commodities and power investments, growth options, corporate valuation and IPOs, investments involving learning, agency issues and incentives, environmental protection, public policy, and other topics related to operations research.

Information At A Glance

Important Dates

  • 01-09-2023 : Opening of abstract submission
  • 13-10-2023 : Deadline for abstract submission

  • 20-10-2023 : Notification of acceptance

  • 01-12-2023 : Registration deadline


The workshop will take place at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Otto-von-Guericke-University in Magdeburg. The faculty celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2023 and is proud of its traditional analytical approach to problem-solving and decision-making. This focus is anchored in research and teaching in the faculty’s Center of Operations Research & Business Analytics (CORBA) and it’s study program ORBA, lead by Elmar Lukas.

The city of Magdeburg is the capital of Saxony-Anhalt. It can easily reached from Berlin (BER, 2h 10min train), Leipzig (LEJ, 1h 20 min train) and Hannover (HAJ, 2h 20min train). It is situated at the Elbe river where you can enjoy a refreshing walk during or after the workshop. Magdeburg Cathedral also invites you to visit. One of the most famous personalities of the city is the politician and inventor Otto von Guericke, whose name the university shares.

Fees and Expenses

  • Submitting your abstract: Free of charge

  • Registration for the workshop: EUR 90 (includes drinks and meals during the workshop, but does not include the dinner)

  • Student travel fund: We have a limited amount of funds available for Master and PhD students. The purpose of the fund is to cover expenses for those who receive limited funding through their institutions. These funds could help covering (part of) the registration fee, travel expenses, or the costs towards visa applications. To apply, tick the application box on the abstract submission form (online soon). The outcome will be communicated before the registration deadline.


Submission opens 01 September 2023.

    Our Academic Board

    Together with the workshop’s organizers, our Academic Board is going to carefully review your submitted work to provide feedback and to decide on the workshop’s program schedule.

    Kuno Huisman

    Full Professor of Decision Making under Uncertainty
    at Tilburg University

    Verena Hagspiel

    Professor of Investment and Finance
    at Norwegian University of Science and Technology

    Program Details

    Program Schedule

    Coming soon…



    About The Workshop Format


    Each participant is offered 25 minutes to present the paper in depth

    For the next 10 minutes a discussant summarizes the paper, asks questions and gives recommendations

    Another 5 minutes is allocated to Q&A between the presenter and the audience


    Nick Huberts
    Assistant Professor/Lecturer at University of York (UK)
    Stefan Kupfer
    Research Assistant at Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg
    Maximilian Schreiter
    Assistant Professor at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management